Happy New Year | Forward this Picture
Yes, I know I'm about 10 days late to talk about my resolutions. You're ok with that, right?
So what resolutions did you make? Same ones as last year? Yep, me too!
Lose weight, get healthier, get organized, have more "me" time, stress less, spend more time in the Word, call and talk to my parents more, spend more fun time with my kids and hubby.
I read this morning on a news ticker that today is the day most people stop working on their resolutions! Can you believe that? Ten days in and the majority of people have already lost their motivation. Well, I can believe it - I haven't even started working on a couple of my resolutions! Oops.
The one thing I have been working on is eating healthier to help lose this baby weight. I'm embarrassed to admit, but I gained over 80 pounds during this last pregnancy! Holy cow, that is a LOT of weight!!! Especially since I knew better. But, I also know that I'm one of those unlucky people that just starts instantly gaining, even without changing any eating habits. It's not fair!
In the first two weeks post-partum, I lost over 40lb! I'm guessing that's all water weight. Which means I must have turned into a camel at some point of the pregnancy and didn't realize it! What I'm left with though is a whole lot of flabby gross fat to work hard to lose. For me, it's easiest with a plan - so I joined Weight Watchers. For anyone who needs help and motivation, I encourage you to find a good healthy program that works for you. I love WW, but I'm sure it's not a perfect fit for everyone.
I'll occasionally post here with updates of how I'm doing in weight loss, organization, and the fun stuff I'm doing with my boys. I'd love to know if some of you are working in these same areas! Please let me know if there is any way I can encourage you along the way - I know it always helps me to hear kind words when I'm struggling to stay motivated!