I've mentioned that he wants a sort of spooky costume party.
SUPER convenient for me, since I only have to decorate once!
But there is still a ton of prep work behind the scenes, of course.
My first task to finish was the invitations.
I found some cute invites yesterday at the store, and almost thought about going that route.
Until I saw the price. $5 per pack of 10. I needed 4 packs.
No, I know $20 isn't a lot to spend on invitations.
But come on - I know I can make my own a lot cheaper than that!
You've seen our Eerie Eyeball Wreath, right?
That was my inspiration.
I just opened up Picnik and started playing around until I got the look I wanted.
I printed up 40 4x6" invites in no time and hot glued a billion googly eyes!
This is the end result (blurred for privacy, of course!)

Con-Man loves them. He said they were so creepy!
Yay, score one for mom!
So, just in case you have your own creepy event to invite people to, I made you guys a blank version!
Download it here.
After downloading, you can upload it to picnik if you'd like to add text on the right hand side.
(Or you can just write it in.)
Play with your print settings and print these out.
Glue on your eyes and you are done!

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