My oldest boys had friends spend the night last night.
That means me vs FIVE boys! Five. All between the ages of 3 and 9.
Pure chaos - and LOTS of fun!
I knew for sure the activity I wanted to do.
Marshmallow Poppers - from my Stuff For The Kids board.
It was originally pinned from Real Simple.
On Real Simple, they tell you to use paper cups, knot the balloons and tape them on the bottom.
I changed this up a little-
I used plastic disposable cups.
I cut off the neck/opening of balloon and stretched the larger part over the mouth of the cup.
I did it like this because the kids can keep their fingers on the strongest part of the cup and they don't squeeze it too much.
Plus the mouth of the cup has that edge that holds the balloon on there with no tape.
I didn't get many pics, because honestly I was having too much fun shooting marshmallows at the boys.
I kicked butt!
Our finished marshmallow poppers - ready for war!
The Chief demonstrating how to pop the marshmallows -
just load marshmallow, pull the balloon and let go!
Con-Man filled his cup and shot EVERYONE at once!
Then we all shot him back!!!

Linking up here: