I've realized that no matter what, I simply cannot get everything accomplished that I need to.
There are rooms to clean, meals to cook, bills to be paid, laundry to be washed, lunches to pack, kids to bathe, homework to be done, errands to be run, sports and school schedules to keep up with, sewing to be sewn, an etsy shop to run, and two blogs to write.
That's just the short list - as you all know!
So lately I've been trying to do way too much.
Which leads to almost daily migraines, and one stressed & grumpy mama.
I asked before - how do you find balance?
How do you prioritize your activities and duties so that you get the important stuff done, but still have time for life?!
Well, I feel like after years of driving myself insane trying to be Super Mom and Wonder Wife, I may finally have the secret to the balance I needed.
Get help.
Yep, I've started asking for help - around the house, with watching kids, etc.
And just say no - sometimes.
I cannot be busy in the PTO, classroom & team mom for two boys, co-organizer of a playgroup, run a business AND serve my family the way they all deserve. (Oh, and don't forget growing a human!)
So instead, I say yes when my schedule and stress level allows and I let the rest go.
Here are a few things I'm doing right now to keep our household going and keep the sanity:
- Chore Chart for my boys (with simple instructions)
- Opened the Mom Shop to help with my kids' responsibilities and behavior - idea from The Idea Room.
- My own cleaning schedule - deep clean 2 rooms a day, kids help with upkeep on other days.
- Meal planning - I plan and shop for two weeks at a time.
- Meal freezing - I usually cook double what I need and freeze 1/2 a few times a week. This is great for our busy football season, as well as for after baby comes!
- Freeze lunches - we'll freeze sandwiches, yogurt, juice boxes, etc for my boys' school lunches. Freezing 20 sandwiches at once sure saves time during the week.
- Swap babysitting duties with a friend. I watch her's, she'll watch mine!
- Limit computer time - it's so easy to sit down to check facebook or pinterest and before I know it I've lost 2 hours! Instead, I allow myself certain windows of time - written in my calendar to get on the computer.
- Schedule my sewing time. Sewing or craft time is the only time I have for myself - and I've realized that it's IMPORTANT that I get some of that creative time at least a couple of times a week.
- Write every important appointment, event, and activity in my planner!
- Don't sweat everything else. Things come up, almost daily that I don't expect. But no matter the problem, it ALWAYS works out. I'm learning to remind myself that there is no reason to worry - worry does not make the problem go away, it just causes more problems.
Things are getting better here. My headaches aren't as frequent, and neither is my grumpiness. The house is staying cleaner, the whole family is eating better, and the kids are actually behaving a *little* better. Maybe I'll get this whole mom thing figured out after all!