My boys are excited, and honestly - so am I.
I'll miss them, of course.
But we long for the routine, and I NEED the time with my Monkey Man and my sewing machine!
I've taken a break for most of the summer to spend time with my kiddos.
I wish I could balance my life a little better - I would have loved to blog, sew new items, complete tons of orders AND spend time with my boys, but I just didn't know how.
So I thank you all for understanding that, and for sticking with me.
I've got a few ideas I'm working on - some new shop items, a few giveaways and probably a Shop Re-Opening Sale!
But for those of you that DO have balance and can juggle it all - please, please tell me how!!!
Do you have a strict schedule?
Do you keep your computer with you so you can blog at will (I need to get a Mac Book asap!)
Do you have help around the house or with the kids so you have more time to yourself.
Or do you have that Super Woman cape I can't seem to find.