Monday, June 6, 2011

Baby #4 is a......

Saturday morning we went to my 4D ultrasound at one of those little clinics.
We got some super cute images of the baby - sucking its thumb, playing with its hands, crossing its ankles.

Sucking left thumb

And the ultrasound tech warned me that it's early, but she thinks it may be another boy.
Four boys.
Not at all what we were expecting.
Not even close.

She said that there is definitely still a chance that this could be a girl - the angle was bad, we only got one potty shot, and it IS early after all.

But I'll be honest - I cried.
A lot.
A whole lot.

Don't get me wrong, I love my little boys.  And I'd love to have another son.
But I'm fairly certain that this baby is the last baby I'll ever have.
And the dream of having a daughter is pretty well crushed.

You can only guess the number of cute little dresses, booties, hair bows, ruffle butt onesies, and cloth diapers, and soft baby dolls I've been dreaming of sewing.

Yesterday I only cried a little.
And today I may not cry at all.

I'm very excited to hold, and nurse, cuddle and kiss another sweet baby - whether a daughter or a son.
And I, as always, am shocked at how much I can already love someone that I've never met.
As the kicks get harder, and his little personality grows, so will my adoration.

Who knows, maybe someday God will grant me the daughter I long for.
But if not, I think I'm one hell of a boy mom - and that's something to be happy for, too!


  1. Meli MitchellJun 6, 2011 07:37 AM
    You'll get the daughter(s) you want - if not biologically, then with your daughter-in-laws! And grandchildren!
    My former mother-in-law was ECSTATIC when Natalie (her first grandchild) came along. She was the mother of three boys and wanted a girl SO badly...she even had her youngest well into her 40's with the hopes of another girl. Now Natalie and she have a seriously special relationship and she gets to fulfill all her girly wishes with Natalie. It's wonderful!
  2. Jenerally SpeakingJun 20, 2011 07:17 AM
    Awh girl, i'm sorry. I know how bad you wanted a girl. You never know .. it might still be too soon to tell. Your doing a great job with your boys so either way whatever you have, your an awesome Mommy!! :)
  3. I have 3 boys and I cried when I found out #3 was a boy. I think it is normal for a mommy to want a daughter. After the 3rd one, I realized I hadnt actually prayed for a girl until I was already pregnant. So before we tried again, I had all my dearest friends begin to pray with us for a girl. And guess what? I now have 2 girls! :) Dont give up. But enjoy those boys too! My oldest is 14 already!!!