I thought this would make my month a little easier - only decorating once, and all.
When the RSVPs started coming in, though I realized I probably bit off more than I could chew.
Anyone else do that?
We never do big, extravagant parties like you see on other sites.
You know - the beautifully displayed tables and decor, pony rides, live entertainment, any hint of pre-planning and organization.
It's not that I don't want to - it's just that I'm a bit of a slacker, a procrastinator, and a poor planner.
Just keepin it real, folks.
Since Halloween is almost here, I thought I'd better quit putting it off any longer and show you guys some pictures of Con-Man's 7th Birthday Party!
NONE of these ideas were original. In fact, I got most of them from Pinterest - on my Holiday Stuff board. Head over if you need some last minute Halloween ideas!
(Please excuse the crappy cell phone pics - I never once picked up the real camera!)
These are the costumes my boys chose for the day:

Birthday Boy chose a swamp monster.
Which he wore for all of 30 minutes.

The Chief was a zombie football player.
Because he didn't feel like changing out of his football pants.

Monkey Man was a skeleton.
{cheapo sweats, freezer paper, white fabric paint, and Halloween makeup kit}
He wiped off the makeup 10 minutes later.
This is what I fed everyone.
And by everyone, I mean 20 kids and 15 adults.
All in my house.
All hungry and screaming and running crazy.

This was our simple entertainment.
It's a bean bag toss game I cut out and painted.
With homemade beanbags that were QUICKLY destroyed.
I have not vacuumed the beans up yet.

The kids also played outside quite a bit - trampoline, running around in circles, etc.
How is that fun, by the way - running in circles, screaming??
And here is the Birthday Boy, all excited to blow out the candle and get his spankings.
Errr presents!

All in all, I think it was a success.
The kids seemed to have a good time.
I worked hard enough that the next day I could barely walk.
Never again will I host that many people at my home for any reason while I'm THIS pregnant!
But, it was fun while it lasted, and that smiling little face makes it all worth the effort!

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