I read a terrific list on one of my favorite blogs today.
It made me want to make my own list.
This is to inspire myself.
To set goals.
To strive for more.
To give myself permission to live!
So here is my Life List:
1. raise great kids into great adults
2. take a photography class
3. go RVing with my hubby & kids cross-country
4. grow a big veggie garden
5. visit Europe for a month
6. go deep sea diving
7. learn to surf
8. sew my own wardrobe
9. make my husband proud
10. make a name for myself
11. write a children's book
12. go one week without raising my voice
13. send 4 kids to college
14. hold my great-grandchildren
15. learn to decorate my home
16. go on a cruise with my WHOLE family
17. take a girls weekend out of town
18. drive a race car
19. be the best friend everyone wants
21. stick with an exercise routine
22. recycle
23. take a writing class
24. stop drinking soda
25. contribute to a charity in a big way
26. anonymously help someone in need
27. read a book a week for a year
28. read the Bible every day
29. tame Mt. Washmore
30. set up a cleaning routine
31. get my kids involved in #30
32. host a huge family reunion
33. help my mom
34. convince my dad to move to Texas
35. see my brother get married & have babies
36. run a marathon
37. get up early to make my husband breakfast before work
38. start making my own cleaning products (again)
39. come up with my own go-to cupcake recipe
40. be confident in my own skin
41. see the Grand Canyon
42. take my boys to Carlsbad Caverns
43. go skiing
44. take up yoga
45. organize my craft/sewing/computer room
46. weed out all the ugly clothes from my closet
47. start a journal
48. remarry my husband - with a big ceremony
49. host a tea party
50. scrapbook for each of my kids
51. learn to do a cartwheel
52. waterski
53. take photos with my children, not just of them
54. learn to ride a motorcycle
55. own a horse
56. grow beautiful flowers in my yard
57. use my DSLR camera on manual
58. learn to speak Spanish
59. participate in an Alzheimer's Walk
60. knit something other than a scarf
61. make nursery bedding for my baby
62. attend blogging conferences
63. climb a mountain
64. watch the sun rise on a beach
65. convince my boys to eat sushi
66. go camping - in a tent - as a family
68. buy a bike for me
69. master twitter
71. decorate my boys' bedrooms
73. teach my boys how to replace the roll of toilet paper
74. become someone's favorite blogger
75. perfect a mitered corner
76. own a Silhouette
77. get a tattoo removed
78. learn to make the perfect margarita
80. have a daughter
81. crochet cute baby items
82. make homemade lemonade
83. go out on a date night with my hubby
84. ride a roller coaster without fear
85. learn to fly a plane
86. build a piece of furniture (hello Ana White!)
87. teach someone to sew
88. learn to cook {and like} fish
89. learn to play guitar
90. beat my hubby at pool
91. throw a block party
92. get back into couponing
93. implement weekly family game night
94. visit New York
95. dine with famous people
96. fly on a private jet
97. skinny dip
99. get paid {well} to do what I love
100. have a popular booth at a craft show

Me and my mom is going to Spanish countries next month. That is why I'm taking an online Spanish course on how to speak spanish.
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